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Почену не осуждаем Команчей?

Добавлено: Сб ноя 25, 2023 12:36 pm
Infants were axed or speared, or hit against a rock to kill them. Females were raped and scalped. Some females and children were taken captive. Many captives did not make it out of enemy country. They were raped and killed on the trail, leaving bloody relics behind for their enemy. Torture included staking men out facing the sun with no eyelids and leaving them. They also used fire to torture. One account tells how they staked out some captured Tonkawa and applied fire to their hand and feet until they destroyed the nerves. They would then amputate the extremity and start the fire torture all over on the wounded flesh. They would cut their tongues out to silence screams. Scalps were almost always taken, many times while the victims were still alive. The dead were mutilated terribly. They cut off limbs, mutilated genitals, decapitated victims after scalping them, and eviscerated their bodies.

Re: Почену не осуждаем Команчей?

Добавлено: Сб ноя 25, 2023 1:02 pm
self писал(а): Сб ноя 25, 2023 12:36 pm
Infants were axed or speared, or hit against a rock to kill them. Females were raped and scalped. Some females and children were taken captive. Many captives did not make it out of enemy country. They were raped and killed on the trail, leaving bloody relics behind for their enemy. Torture included staking men out facing the sun with no eyelids and leaving them. They also used fire to torture. One account tells how they staked out some captured Tonkawa and applied fire to their hand and feet until they destroyed the nerves. They would then amputate the extremity and start the fire torture all over on the wounded flesh. They would cut their tongues out to silence screams. Scalps were almost always taken, many times while the victims were still alive. The dead were mutilated terribly. They cut off limbs, mutilated genitals, decapitated victims after scalping them, and eviscerated their bodies.
Это только русских/узбеков/украинцев/евреев/добавьтекомуобидночтонеупомянули или всех так включая местных врагов?

Re: Почену не осуждаем Команчей?

Добавлено: Сб ноя 25, 2023 6:32 pm
Тогда их не осуждали, а просто мочили.

Re: Почену не осуждаем Команчей?

Добавлено: Пн ноя 27, 2023 5:49 am
а чё так меленько копаем? всего на двести лет назад....Глубже надо, чтоб аналогии с сегодняшним днём и зверьём работали...Открутим, скажем тыщу лет назад....и вспомним про казни у викингов "блади игл". Открутим ещё пару тысяч лет назад.
Согласно закону Хамурапи, жену, убившую мужа - сажали на кол...
а вот и сегодняшний день - Palestinian militants in a West Bank refugee camp shot and killed two alleged collaborators with Israel early Saturday, Palestinian officials said. Mobs then kicked the bloodied corpses and dragged them through alleys before trying to tie them to an electrical tower.

Re: Почену не осуждаем Команчей?

Добавлено: Пн ноя 27, 2023 5:53 am
Женя Стоунер
innocent civilians!
The aunt of Roni Krivoi, 25, a Russian-Israeli who was one of the hostages released Sunday by Hamas terrorists, told an Israeli radio station Monday that he had escaped and hidden for four days in Gaza before being caught again by Palestinian civilians.
https://www.breitbart.com/middle-east/2 ... civilians/