Реклама - двигатель торговли, продать-то хочется. Кто платит за все эти исследования? да те же фармкомпании.Baloon писал(а): ↑Сб янв 21, 2023 7:43 am Healthy people should get annual COVID-19 boosters to prevent widespread outbreaks, suggests a new study from Yale University and the University of North Carolina at Charlotte.
Yearly shots provide just enough frequency to prevent huge outbreaks while not putting an undue burden on people.
"There seems to be an inflection point" at about a year, said senior author Jeffrey Townsend, a biostatistician and evolutionary biologist at the Yale School of Public Health. “Delaying boosting beyond that point rapidly increases the risk of an infection."
Пока больше всего болеют именно после бустеров. Которые, как пишут, поднимают количество антител за счет бесполезных провоспалительных Ig4