Традиционные ценности!

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Традиционные ценности!

Сообщение self »

https://apnews.com/article/kentucky-she ... ef49f4c8cf
Fields was sentenced this year to six months in jail and then six and a half years on probation for rape, sodomy, perjury and tampering with a prisoner monitoring devic
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Зарегистрирован: Ср июн 15, 2022 6:54 pm

Re: Традиционные ценности!

Сообщение kyk »

+1. Мелочь, а приятно :handshake:
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Re: Традиционные ценности!

Сообщение BarBoss »

Тамошние пишут что судья трахал дочь шерифа. Вот и весь расклад.
Спасение утопающих дело рук...
Ты кобель Барбосс, и этим все сказано. (ц)
Так я же на мопеде...(ц)
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Re: Традиционные ценности!

Сообщение Todin »

self писал(а): Пт сен 20, 2024 7:20 pm https://apnews.com/article/kentucky-she ... ef49f4c8cf
Fields was sentenced this year to six months in jail and then six and a half years on probation for rape, sodomy, perjury and tampering with a prisoner monitoring devic
Sodomy is a legal term that refers to sexual acts between people or between a person and an animal that involve the mouth or anus of one person and the genitals of another. Sodomy can also refer to the crime of forcing someone to perform oral or anal sex.
Sodomy laws have historically been used to discriminate against LGBTQ+ people and deny them rights.
My life means nothing in the great equation.